Seared Scallops with Black Garlic Cream Sauce

Seared Scallops with Black Garlic Cream Sauce

Dive Into These Easy Seared Scallops

Impress your loved ones by whipping up these easy and elegant seared scallops. Served over a bed of sauteed greens and drizzled with a homemade black garlic and chardonnay cream sauce, your friends and family will ask when you graduated from culinary school. 


For Scallops:

For Greens:


  1. Pat scallops dry with paper towel, then season with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat. Add oil and butter to skillet. When butter begins to brown, lay scallops in pan. Sauté 2 to minutes per side, using a spoon to continually baste the scallops with butter throughout the cooking process. Scallops are done when golden chestnut in color.
  3. Transfer scallops to plate, then add chardonnay to skillet to deglaze. Add King Shallot and heavy cream. Allow sauce to reduce 2 to 3 minutes, whisking frequently, until sauce lightly coats the back of a spoon.
  4. In a separate skillet, heat olive oil over medium-high heat. Add spinach and kale to skillet and sauté until greens have wilted. Season with King Shallot.
  5. To plate, make 3 small beds of spinach and kale, then place 2 scallops on each. Spoon sauce over scallops. Serve hot and dive in! 
  6. SANTÉ!

~ Recipe courtesy of our friends at PS Seasoning. *(We substituted our Parmesan Garlic & Meyer Lemon Olive Oils)

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